High estrogen blood test on supraphysiological use of Anabolic Androgenic Steróids, what do I do now?

First of all it is important to highlight that the testosterone conversion into estrogen is a physiological process necessary for several functions in the male body. Around ¾ of the male estrogen comes from the aromatization process by the enzyme CYP19 (aromatase).

In males the estrogen has positive effects on bone mineralization, protection and development of the central nervous system and on lipid profile. Therefore, not only females are benefited by estrogen in proper concentrations.

Fear of gynecomastia and hydric retention in anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) users leads them to an unjustified use of pharmacological strategies aiming to low estradiol. Around 0,2 to 0,5% of testosterone is converted into estrogen by aromatase, thus following a proportion of testosterone/estradiol higher than 20. Ergo, the higher the substrate (testosterone) the higher the conversion into estrogen in absolute values, following that proportion.

If testosterone physiological levels are up to 900ng/dl (averaging 600), obviously individuals using supraphysiological dosages that may reach up to 2, 3 or even 5 times the usual testosterone concentration will also reach estrogen levels above reference without changing the proportion of T/E.

Thus, using aromatase inhibitors aiming to reduce estrogen prophylactically has a much higher risk than any benefit in the context of using AAS for aesthetic/performance goals.

As everything in medicine, individualizing with good judgment and skill in clinical management is essential for better efficacy and safety. Look for a doctor who rally knows what he is doing, this will bring you real benefit to your health.

We have decided to talk about that, once that it seems to exist a kink in bringing estradiol down to zero among steroid users. Or even worst, some people using aromatase inhibitors in women, but that is a conversation for another time.

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